Our Presence
Jeevodaya , Mukti-Angalakuduru -Guntur
FSM Sisters,
Angalakuduru P.O. – 522 211,
Tenali, Guntur Dt.,
Andra Pradesh,
Telephone: (08644) 223356,
Mobile (0) 9441536454.

No of Religious : 3
The Provincial of the Claretian Fathers, Rev. Fr. Xavier Manavath was looking for a Congregation who would take charge of the girls’ section of MUKTI, a hostel run only for the Yanadi tribal children. Thus, with the consent of the Provincial Council, and the Bishop of Guntur Rt. Rev. Dr. Gali Bali the FSM accepted to work in his diocese at Angalakuduru village and in Chavarapalayam parish.
The Yanadis are the third largest group of tribals in A.P. numbering 15 lakhs. Originally they were fishermen and hunters having very little contact with society, uneducated and deprived even of basics, they eke out a living by catching rats, washing dishes and cleaning waste from houses, sweeping the streets and all kinds of menial jobs. Their literacy rate is 5%. Those who go to school are misfits, discriminated and punished by their teachers and ostracized by other children; hence there are many drop outs.
Working in collaboration with the Claretian Fathers, we care for 100 Yanadi girl children, educating and teaching them values and dignity of human life and their rights, in order to make them well-endowed citizens, the future of tomorrow’s India.
Bishop Gali Bali blessed our house on August 15, 2008. Several priests and sisters from neighbouring parishes and a large number of our sisters from various communities were also present during the blessing.
Sr. Dominic is the animator of the community, rendering Medicare to the children and people around while Sr. Jane Mary is the Warden of the boarding, attentive to the needs of the boarders. Srs. Jyothi, a student and Packia Nirmala render their services at the boarding as also to the community. We thank God for having led us to serve the economically poor of society but rich in many other ways. They have plenty to give us if only we are open to receive!
S. No. | Name of the Sisters | ||
1. | Sr. Mary Patricia – Superior | 3. | Sr. Swarnakumari |
2. | Sr. Mary Geroge |