Growing together in Christ
‘’ Together we are stronger, Together we are unbroken, Together we can do anything “
Yes, this is the power of togetherness. It inspires us delightfully to be more hopeful, more joyful, and more thoughtful in a world more alive.
Here we the little sisters of FSM family gathered together in MPK on May 2nd for the enrichment of our soul and mind. We were welcomed by our lovely sisters with their cheerful faces and a warm welcome. The time had come for us to come together to rejoice and to experience the love of God through one day recollection where we had experienced the Divine touch of God and regenerate our spirit with the fire to move forward. The class on “Human Maturity “by Sr. Amali helped us to be more mature in our dealings with others.
“Ignorance of the Scripture is ignorance of Christ”- St. JeromE
To be more rooted in Christ’s love we began to gain knowledge about synoptic Gospels by Fr. George OCD, we understood that Bible is written for the people in order to have faith formation and spiritual formation. These Gospels proclaim the Abba experience of Jesus and Risen Jesus experience of disciples. And as we go further the synoptic Gospels tell us we are following the historical Jesus whose birth, life, passion, death and resurrection which we commemorate each and every day of our life.
“Within you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself”
This is the first retreat, this is the last retreat and this is the only retreat, with this thought we began our spiritual journey. Our vocation is to be the women of Eucharist by setting our souls on fire.“ The more we know there is more to know” The enlightenment given by Sr. David Dilani on Constitutions, Charism and Chapter Documents of our Institute helped us to be rooted and branch out to the humanity. Life experience on certain facts of religious life was an eye opener for us to be prudent and alert to face the corrupted world in our mission. A spiritual retreat is a medicine for soul starvation, through silence and simple living we began to fill the empty reservoir and it made us to create space within us for the feelings of forgiveness, compassion, loving and kindness.
We were really blessed that we got a wonderful opportunity to participate in the feast of our Lady of Fathima shrine and Nagamangalam Shrine, Krishnagiri .We too visited our surrounding communities Elathagiri, Mathagondpalli and Mathigiri.
“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply” – William Carey
To have a lived experience of such an insertion, we set out to the villages with an attitude of openness to give ourselves fully. “Plan your work then work your plan” According to this we planned well about our exposure and reached out to people in three groups to three different villages (Christupalayam, Dinnur and Averipalli). We began our mission with new vigor to witness Christ among the people through interacting with the children, visiting the families, teaching action songs, spoken English and Catechism. We were touched by the simple faith, genuine love and simple life style of the people. It challenged us to live a dedicated and meaningful life as a religious.
“ Thankfulness is the richness of our hearts” With this richness of hearts we thank our Superior General Sr. Reetha Paul and her Councilors, Sr. Miriam the Provincial Superior and her Councilors and Sr. Amali our junior mistress, for giving us the opportunity to come together for our juniorate. During this gathering we experienced the love of God by giving ourselves to others through various activities. We thank you dear sisters for your interest in our growth in our consecrated life in FSM family. We raise our hearts in gratitude to the Almighty for his accompaniment and manifold graces which we had experienced during our gathering.