
Laying of the second pillar: Poverty.

In the past weeks we were given to contemplate Christ in his Incarnation. “There simplicity is honoured; poverty exalted, humility is praised» this message of Greccio leads us to the laying of the second pillar of the Franciscan house .

Meaning of Poverty: According to the most common usage, poverty characterizes the situation of a person who does not have sufficient resources to live in dignity: the lack of material resources for food, access to drinking water, clothing, housing, education. Poverty has a different meaning, even virtuous in a religious or spiritual context. And the vow of poverty is defined as the will to be more free by the renunciation of material goods, in order to be in optimal position to encounter and listen to God and neighbour. (One of the many definitions given on the Internet to the word poverty)

Following of Christ: «He who was rich above all, wanted, with the most Blessed Virgin Mary his Mother, to choose poverty. (Letter to the Faithful 2, 4, 5)

St. Francis selects poverty for himself and his brothers: «Noting that poverty was the constant companion of the Son of God, he had at heart to espouse her (poverty) and he vowed eternal love to her.

(2 Celano, Chapter 25, N°55. ) It is for love of Him that Francis and his brothers chose the path of poverty. 2 Cel 74.

In order to lay down, to consolidate, this second pillar, we are invited to read and meditate on the various aspects of our life of poverty. Our Rule and Life, the Constitutions, enlighten and guide our journey in the following of Christ poor.

In Chapter 6 of our Rule and Life we are told: “All the brothers and sisters will apply themselves to follow the humility and poverty of our Lord Jesus Christ. (N° 21)

How does it manifest itself in the reality of our lives?

* Have the necessary food and clothing, nothing else except what the apostle says in the first letter to Timothy 6, 8; Rule and Life N° 21. For us Franciscans our life in poverty is lived in total dependence on the life in fraternity. «With confidence let each one open himself to his brother for his needs, so that he may obtain and procure for him what he needs. 1Rule ch 9 verse 10.

* What is not necessary will be given to the poor: the life of our Foundress offers us many examples: Having nothing, possessing nothing, she still gave alms giving of her necessary to those who asked of her. However poor she was, she refused any calculation of prudence and without hesitation shared with the sick, the poor, what the basket of provisions for the week contained. She used to repeat often: “half is better than the whole.”

This acute sense of sharing was founded on the rock of the most lively faith, her trust in the Providence. Having had the grace to live for years with our Foundress, and having witnessed the poverty of the first foundations, Sister Julie witnessed: “We had never been rich, but Providence had never left us lack the necessary.”

* Let us rejoice when we are given the grace to live among the poor.

* Sharing of goods: Each fraternity will include in its budget, aid for the poor: Constitutions 117

* Do not appropriate anything: Do not take ownership of what you have received: talents, skills, the mission received and what is necessary to exercise it, equipment , tools for work: 1 Rule 7,9 ” But cling yourself totally to poverty, and for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ refuse always to possess anything else under the sky.” 2 Rule 6.6.

How to live this disappropriation today in the face of modern means of communication? What sharing in community? Nothing is personal property: constitutions 115

* Be especially on guard against money. Rule and Life N° 21. «Let us be watchful therefore not to be attached to it but use it only to acquire what is essential for our lives. Constitutions N° 119.

* Living in thanksgiving for all the good things received: “Giving all things to the Lord” First rule 17.1 Admonition 19.

Following the events and stage of our life we are more sensitive to this or that aspect of life i n poverty: material poverty, proximity with the poor, solidarity, poverty in dependence (advanced age, sickness) spiritual poverty. Meditation on all the texts of St. Francis allows us to accommodate the multiple aspects of this life in poverty.

St. Francis as well as St. Clare always associate poverty with humility, two inseparable twin sisters.

Writing to Agnes of Prague St Clare presents to her “the poverty of the Child lying in the manger, admirable humility and astounding poverty (4th letter 19-21). In the salutation of the virtues, St. Francis asks the Lord to keep them together, so that you do not succumb to the temptation to boast of being poor. “Lady Holy Poverty, may the Lord guard you, with your sister, Holy Humility. St. Francis wants to build the fraternity on the solid rock of the great humility and the great poverty of the Son of God. (Legend of Perugia 102.) May we always observe poverty and humility and the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ which we have promised.

St. Francis gives us a key to verify for ourselves if we live according to the spirit of poverty: “there are many who are keen on prayers and offices, and inflict on their bodies frequent mortifications and fasts . But for a word that seems to them an affront or injustice to their dear ‘me’ or to this or that object taken away from them, they are at once scandalized and lose their peace of mind. They have not the true spirit of poverty: for he/she who has the true spirit of poverty hates him/herself and cherishes those who strike on the cheek.”Adm. 14.

On the 17th September, 1864 with the help and support of Father Ambrose, we had the grace to become Franciscan. For many years he will continue to accompany several sisters spiritually, as evidenced by a letter written by him to sister Colette who had the difficulty to go questing : “Be faithful to your vocation to the end, and may you thus become a worthy daughter of our Father St. Francis, like him, he has loved poverty, it is the precious stone that is spoken of in the Gospel. We cannot say it is too dear as our Lord has made it his beloved companion …»

A few months before his death the brothers ask Francis his blessing and expression of his last will. In a few words in the testament of Siena St. Francis summarizes what is dear to his heart: “May they always love each other in memory of my blessing and my will, may they always love and honour our Lady the Holy Poverty.”

Following the example of our guides, St. Francis, St. Clare, our Foundress, may we be given the desire and the grace «to follow the life and poverty of our Lord Jesus Christ and His most Blessed Mother. It is towards poverty that all the aspirations of the heart of St. Francis tended, that is why he was joyful, that’s why he had his soul in peace, that’s why he walked light-heartedly toward God. (2 Celano N°. 55).

Today the texts available to us on the internet can be a help in our reflection on various subjects. Here is an extract of what I have retained on the word poverty in the: Franciscan spirituality:

“Receive everything, do not own anything, this is how we could summarize the message of St. Francis, and above all do not have the temptation to possess what you have received. Repeat this work of detachment constantly. Real poverty consists in an inner attitude to receive from God as the days go by, what He gives or what He does not give, even the unexpected. What does poverty give? Nothing but total trust in God and total trust in God gives joy.

In his writings St. Francis uses different verbs to speak about poverty: «to keep it, to be attached to it, never to deviate from it, to love it, to honour it.” Throughout these weeks may we be given to know, to follow Christ poor and crucified which will lead us toward Easter.