A Loving Tribute to Sr. Mary Cecilia

 “Gone, yet not forgotten,

Although we are apart,

 Your Spirit lives within us forever.”

Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity. God has plucked one of the most beautiful flowers from the garden of FSM family.

 Sr. Mary Cecilia was born on 19thOctober, 1936 in a faith filled family of Alappatt Palathingal, to Mr. Kunjuvareed and Mrs. Annamma at Irinjalakkuda in Thrissur district, Kerala. Born in a devout family, she was drawn towards the exemplary life style of her beloved parents who ignited in her the spark of a divine life.

Being lured by the ardent love of her Master, she left her native town and made her first commitment to the Lord on 8th December 1959.Her entire life was a model of cheerfulness and simplicity enveloped with an aroma of childlike innocence and availability for her Lord and for the people to whom she was sent to witness Christ and she did leave a legacy of true richness of loving the Lord above all and in all things.

Her untiring zeal and genuine love for the poor and the needy, openness and meekness in all her dealings, deep rooted faith and prayer life, dedication and fervor to complete the entrusted task with diligence and prudence, above all her virtuous life is the hall mark of her consecration. Sr. Mary Cecilia was so faithful to carry out her mission in Salem, Mathigiri, Krishnagiri, Bangalore, Saveriyarpalayam, Hosur, Mathagondapalli, Christhupalayam and Elathagiri. At all the places, she found true happiness in serving her master with an undivided heart.

Many at times Sister death had paid visit to Sr. Mary Cecilia but faith accompanied throughout her life, Sr. Mary Cecilia from 2008 onwards was resting with little movement in and out of the community, with her gentle smile and loving presence. Since two and half months she was found not so well in health and admitted in St Louis hospital and at initial stage of her medical care she was improving but from past one month she was confined to bed, inspite of great efforts by the medical personnel. Gradually her food intake become scanty, her movements slowed down, her verbal communication stopped. She lived for many days without food, and words. She was enduring her pain by taking part in the passion and death of Jesus she waited for God’s plan. On 1st of April morning, she was slowly declining. The sisters of both communities stood at her death bed offering prayers, for a peaceful surrender. She winged her flight to God at 9.20 am.

Sister Cecilia was not merely a presence in our lives; she was a beacon of light, illuminating the darkest corners with her boundless love and compassion. Born into this world with a heart aflame with passion for God’s work, she embarked on a journey of faith that would span a lifetime

We strongly believe that when the journey finally ends,

We’ll claim a great reward.

And find an everlasting peace

Together with the Lord.

                                                               Sr. Amali & Community
