The Theme of the Chapter is:
“Together, let us walk in faith, hope, and charity”
This year 2024 is special in the life of our Institute and of the Universal Church with the celebration of our General Chapter.
The General Chapter of Election was from 02.08.2024 to 17.08.2024 in Brive La Gaillarde, France.
“The General Chapter is a fraternal assembly of Sisters, convened in the Spirit, and representing the Institute.
We congratulate the newly elected members of our Institute.
“We wish them the joy of living,
the joy of serving the Lord,
the joy of walking together,
and the joy of building a new world in the coming years.”
Congratulations dear Sr. Angela Newly elected Provincial Superior
Councillors :
Srs. Joycy Augustine,
Jessy Karuvelil
Alphonsa Celine
Shanthi D’Souza
May God bless you with many fruits and blessings.