Juniorate May 2019
Bangalore, 30.05.2018

Marching together for Transformation

Juniorate is the time to celebrate life in Christ. Coming together, praying together, learning together, living together and growing together, is the celebration of life. We the juniors from different fraternities arrived at Assisi Nilaya on 2nd May 2018.

Our hearts were overwhelmed when we met each other after a long period of time. We greeted each other with Franciscan joy specially we were happy to welcome our five new brides into our juniorate.

Fr. Thomas OCD gave us the knowledge and deeper understanding on Sacraments especially he insisted on the Holy Eucharist and the Reconciliation. Our Christian life is centered on sacraments and it gives us the grace to participate in the life of Christ. Sacraments play a vital role in life, from the birth to till death.

Eucharist is a mystery to be believed

Eucharist is a mystery to be celebrated

Eucharist is a mystery to be lived

Yes, this made us to seek the real presence of Jesus in our daily life. It is the fount of life that cleanses us and strengthens us to live not for ourselves but for God and to be united with each other by the closed ties of love. Sacrament of Reconciliation urges us to let go of ourselves and to receive the grace and mercy from God.

Retreat is a withdrawal from ordinary activities in order to enter into deeper communion with God, with oneself and with each other for transformation in life. With this spirit of enlightenment we entered into silence and solitude to be alone with the alone in the journey to inner self to re – energise our spirit. Fr. Robin CMF was simple and community oriented person who gave better understanding to live and to cherish our life in the community with our sisters. Religious life is a treasure in the earthen vessel; it is the responsibility of each one of us to protect it. True love is not loving a perfect person but loving the imperfect person perfectly.

Each one of us is entrusted with specific mission and that mission shapes our community. All our abilities become liabilities without the availability to the Lord.

“Do to others what has been done to you”. The charism of our Mother Foundress is continued in “Karnataka Domestic Workers Movement” which is led by our sisters in Virginie Nivas under the leadership of Sr. Nisha, whose tireless work has come to the light in upbringing the domestic workers. With real zeal and enthusiasm we could live the real charism of our Foundress. And we experienced the struggles and difficulties that our sisters take in order to motivate the domestic workers to attain their rights.

“Gowpathya Makkala Kendra” is a home of hope. Being with semi-orphaned children, we admire their total dedication, self confidence and trust in the providential care of God.

Mary is our mother who intercedes for us at all times and we too had the privilege of receiving her special blessing when we travelled to Nagamangala.

As this month unpacked for us with many gifts and opportunities we have gained a lot and recharged ourselves to continue the mission and to live our life with passion for Christ and passion for Humanity.

We take this opportunity to remain grateful to our dear Sr. Angela for giving us this chance to come together and to renew our spirit in the lord.

We also thank our dear Sr. Regina Mary for accompanying, supporting, and encouraging specially for arranging this juniorate. We also thank for her constant effort and keen interest in our spiritual growth.