Welcome To FSM

The Vine of God planted by Marie Virginie in the foundation of lively faith, unpretentious and determined will could not but spread its branches beyond the frontiers of France.
Soon the Franciscan Servants of Mary felt themselves called to leave for India.

It was at the invitation of Bishop Henri Prunier, then the Bishop of Salem, that then the Superior General Mother Marie Suzanne with her deep faith and dauntless courage accepted to send six sisters to work in the Diocese of Salem, at Krishnagiri, a little village in then Salem district. The six valiant missionaries: Mother St. Cesaire, (who on disembarking said that she would never return to France and kept to her word) Mother Marie Eugenie, Sr. Antoine Marie, Sr. Isabelle, Sr. Marie Francois and Sr. St. Paul set foot on Indian soil on…

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Gain Publicity With a Video News

A religious group of women committed to living the Gospels in fraternity with all creatures,




The Institute of the Franciscan Servants of Mary

is a religious Institute of Pontifical right…

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Gain Publicity With a Video News

We live in communities spread across five different countries – France, India, Madagascar, Chad and England in three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. In India we have two provinces: Bangalore and Varanasi with the sisters living and working in 45 communities.


We live in communities spread across five different countries – France, India, Madagascar…

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Vision & Mission


Called to be partners of God Trusting in
God’s Providence Grounded in His Word Clothed with His love and Compassion, We, the FSM renew our desire To walk in the foot-steps of Christ as Marie Virginie did To perform all our actions in simplicity, under the gaze of God In the Spirit of Sister and Servant.


We dedicate ourselves to works of
Mercy & Education To protect and
promote the life and dignity of the poor
and the marginalized, children, young
girls and women, by being the voice of
the voiceless, in a spirit of sister and

Our Services

Children Care

Women Development



News & Events

General Chapter 2024

The Theme of the Chapter is: “Together, let us walk in faith, hope, and charity” This year 2024 is special in the life of our Institute and of the Universal Church with the celebration of our General Chapter. The General Chapter of Election was from 02.08.2024 to 17.08.2024 in Brive La Gaillarde, France. “The General …

Our Videos

Messengers of Mercy – Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick